Some sample sw example files. Some are interesting, some are rubbish I just used for testing ideas.
Details on files in this directory, as seen from the console:
sa: files

  10-10-image.sw                                                                                    11/05/2015   7.2 KB   sw console (1)
  10-5-image.sw                                                                                     11/05/2015   3.7 KB   sw console (1)
  10-by-10-grid--sans-cell-value.sw                                                                 11/12/2015   20.1 KB   walking a grid (0)
  10-by-10-grid.sw                                                                                  11/12/2015   23.1 KB   walking a grid (0)
  100k-actors-imdb.sw                                                                               10/06/2014   6.7 MB   play with imdb (44949)
  15-by-15-grid.sw                                                                                  11/12/2015   56.4 KB   walking a grid (0)
  2-element-truth-table.sw                                                                          09/07/2015   971 B    2 element truth table (7)
  20-20-image.sw                                                                                    11/05/2015   29.5 KB   sw console (1)
  200-lenna--categorize-value-0.9-result.sw                                                         12/09/2014   6.1 MB   sw console (48401)
  200-lenna--categorize-value-0.99-result-2.sw                                                      12/09/2014   7.0 MB   sw console (48402)
  200-lenna.sw                                                                                      10/08/2014   3.5 MB
  220-lenna.sw                                                                                      20/04/2015   28.9 MB   sw console (48402)
  2nd-order-k0-network.sw                                                                           16/03/2016   357 B
  2nd-order-k1-network.sw                                                                           16/03/2016   369 B
  2nd-order-k2-network.sw                                                                           16/03/2016   420 B
  2nd-order-k3-network.sw                                                                           16/03/2016   429 B
  2nd-order-k4-network.sw                                                                           16/03/2016   429 B
  2nd-order-k5-network.sw                                                                           16/03/2016   429 B
  3-element-truth-table.sw                                                                          09/07/2015   1.4 KB   3 element truth table (12)
  300k--wikipedia-links--with-inverse.sw                                                            16/06/2015   1.4 GB   sw console (4353110)
  300k--wikipedia-links.sw                                                                          15/06/2015   493.3 MB
  300k--wikivec.sw                                                                                  23/06/2016   325.6 MB
  30k--find-topic-vec.sw                                                                            20/10/2016   219.9 MB
  30k--wikipedia-frequency-list.sw                                                                  10/06/2015   324.4 MB
  30k--wikipedia-links--inverse-hash.sw                                                             21/06/2016   100.9 MB
  30k--wikipedia-links--with-inverse-simm.sw                                                        05/06/2015   316.5 MB   sw console (1305035)
  30k--wikipedia-links--with-inverse.sw                                                             05/06/2015   316.2 MB   sw console (1305031)
  30k--wikipedia-links.sw                                                                           02/06/2015   91.6 MB
  30k--wikivec.sw                                                                                   23/06/2016   77.5 MB
  4-high-order-sequence-learn.sw                                                                    07/07/2016   5.0 KB
  45-by-45-grid.sw                                                                                  12/12/2014   584.3 KB   a 45 * 45 grid (0)
  5-by-5-grid.sw                                                                                    11/12/2015   5.1 KB   walking a grid (0)
  50-50-edge-lenna.sw                                                                               11/05/2015   186.7 KB   sw console (1)
  50-50-image.sw                                                                                    11/05/2015   184.6 KB   sw console (1)
  64k-simm-matrix.sw                                                                                18/05/2014   3.8 KB
  a-single-line.sw                                                                                  08/08/2014   3.0 KB   a 1D line (25)
  active-buffer-play.sw                                                                             11/07/2014   1.2 KB   sw console (10)
  active-fib-play.sw                                                                                21/04/2014   634 B    Fibonacci method 3 with active load (0)
  active-network-propagation.sw                                                                     26/08/2015   432 B    active network (6)
  adelaide.sw                                                                                       28/10/2014   476 B    Adelaide (0)
  adjacent-planets-homework-example.sw                                                              29/08/2014   826 B    adjacent planets homework example (6)
  adult-wage-pattern-recognition--saved-simm.sw                                                     23/03/2015   67.8 MB   adult wage pattern recognition (48843)
  adult-wage-pattern-recognition--unknown-filtered.sw                                               13/03/2015   13.1 MB   adult wage pattern recognition (0)
  adult-wage-pattern-recognition.sw                                                                 13/03/2015   14.1 MB   adult wage pattern recognition (0)
  africa.sw                                                                                         03/02/2015   8.8 KB   Africa (0)
  algebra-play.sw                                                                                   07/04/2014   348 B    algebra play (4)
  alphabet-high-order-sequence--saved.sw                                                            17/07/2016   659.5 KB   sw console (54)
  alphabet-high-order-sequence.sw                                                                   17/07/2016   20.3 KB
  animal-number-furniture-filter.sw                                                                 14/12/2015   909 B    sw console (5)
  animal-sound-sdrs--tidy.sw                                                                        27/08/2016   674 B    animal sound SDR's (0)
  animal-sound-sdrs.sw                                                                              27/08/2016   1.7 KB   animal sound SDR's (8)
  animals.sw                                                                                        13/12/2015   790 B    sw console (5)
  another-matrix-play.sw                                                                            03/04/2014   265 B
  apply-invert-R-R0-diff.sw                                                                         04/05/2015   816 B
  apply-R-R0-diff.sw                                                                                04/05/2015   738 B
  apply-smooth-20.sw                                                                                04/05/2015   19.4 KB
  apply-smooth-5.sw                                                                                 04/05/2015   5.1 KB
  apply-smooth.sw                                                                                   05/05/2015   1.4 KB
  average-in-bko.sw                                                                                 30/04/2014   761 B    average (4)
  average.sw                                                                                        01/05/2014   1.1 KB   average (6)
  averaging-out-noise-example.sw                                                                    23/06/2016   104.5 KB   sw console (82)
  bigger-binary-tree.sw                                                                             12/12/2015   13.0 KB   bigger binary tree (128)
  bigger-htm-sequence-learn.sw                                                                      06/07/2016   2.4 KB
  binary-tree-with-child.sw                                                                         03/11/2014   1.4 KB   binary tree (8)
  binary-tree-with-inverse.sw                                                                       06/08/2014   4.1 KB   binary tree (31)
  binary-tree.sw                                                                                    04/08/2014   1.1 KB   binary tree (8)
  blog-george.sw                                                                                    02/12/2014   980 B    George (0)
  blue-50-lenna.sw                                                                                  19/05/2015   361.2 KB   sw console (5)
  bot-bella.sw                                                                                      18/02/2014   1.3 KB   bot profile (1)
  bot-emma.sw                                                                                       18/02/2014   1.3 KB   bot profile (1)
  bot-madison.sw                                                                                    18/02/2014   1.4 KB   bot profile (1)
  bot-mia.sw                                                                                        09/04/2014   1.3 KB   bot profile (1)
  bot-personality-data.sw                                                                           18/02/2014   4.7 KB   bot personality (17)
  bots.sw                                                                                           18/02/2014   4.1 KB   bot profile (3)
  boy-girl-sequences.sw                                                                             07/06/2017   1.5 KB
  breakfast-menu.sw                                                                                 26/03/2014   3.4 KB   breakfast menu (19)
  breaky-presidents.sw                                                                              23/02/2014   6.0 KB   sw console (0), early US Presidents (15), breakfast menu (6)
  build-visualize-edit-distance-file.sw                                                             20/12/2015   463 B    visualizing edit distance (0)
  categorized-H-I-pat-rec.sw                                                                        28/05/2014   4.1 KB   H I pat rec (0)
  category-average-pat-rec-result-matrix.sw                                                         10/05/2015   8.3 MB   fragment webpages (80)
  category-theory.sw                                                                                14/12/2015   342 B    category theory is bko? (4)
  check-round.sw                                                                                    14/03/2014   246 B    sw console (2)
  check-round2.sw                                                                                   14/03/2014   246 B    sw console (2)
  child-parent-binary-tree.sw                                                                       21/05/2014   3.2 KB   binary tree (0)
  chunked-alphabet-pi--saved.sw                                                                     03/11/2016   61.2 KB   chunked high order sequences (0)
  chunked-alphabet-pi.sw                                                                            03/11/2016   9.5 KB
  chunked-alphabet-v2.sw                                                                            25/09/2016   5.4 KB
  chunked-alphabet.sw                                                                               15/09/2016   5.5 KB
  chunked-pi-sequence.sw                                                                            15/09/2016   3.3 KB
  chunked-truncated-alphabet.sw                                                                     15/09/2016   1.9 KB
  clean-breakfast-menu.sw                                                                           10/02/2015   1.7 KB   breakfast menu (0)
  clean-superposition--fast-superposition--kevin-bacon--N-2.sw                                      08/01/2015   11.2 MB   Kevin Bacon numbers (0)
  common-English-words.sw                                                                           26/11/2015   1004.8 KB
  complete-imdb-ratings.sw                                                                          07/09/2014   70.3 MB
  compress-ratio.sw                                                                                 17/07/2014   256 B    compress ratio (1)
  context-free-grammar-example.sw                                                                   23/11/2016   814 B    context free grammar (2)
  create-2d-image-difference--inverse--amplify-by-10.sw                                             20/04/2015   1.5 KB
  create-2d-image-difference--inverse--amplify-by-20.sw                                             20/04/2015   1.5 KB
  create-2d-image-difference--inverse.sw                                                            20/04/2015   1.4 KB
  create-2d-image-difference--precompute.sw                                                         20/04/2015   1.4 KB
  create-2d-image-difference.sw                                                                     20/04/2015   1.3 KB
  create-average-website-fragments.sw                                                               06/03/2015   2.3 KB
  create-cat-ave-pat-rec-matrix.sw                                                                  10/05/2015   412 B
  create-minimalist-average-website-fragments.sw                                                    12/05/2015   1.1 KB
  create-website-pattern-recognition-matrix--unique.sw                                              21/04/2015   1.4 KB
  create-website-pattern-recognition-matrix.sw                                                      21/04/2015   1.2 KB
  create-website-similarity-matrices.sw                                                             06/03/2015   2.8 KB
  currency-conservation-inverse.sw                                                                  03/03/2014   1.8 KB   sw console (13)
  days-of-the-week.sw                                                                               21/08/2014   536 B
  death-star-adjacent-planet.sw                                                                     01/02/2015   1.2 KB   deathstar adjacent planets example (5)
  deli-closing-times.sw                                                                             08/08/2014   358 B    deli closing time (0)
  diary-index--full-k5.sw                                                                           27/04/2016   434.8 MB
  disease-propagation.sw                                                                            24/02/2014   608 B    disease (0)
  disease-symptoms-example.sw                                                                       21/03/2014   799 B    disease (5)
  document-fragment-lengths.sw                                                                      04/05/2014   8.5 KB   fragment documents (6)
  double-alphabet-high-order-sequences--40--saved.sw                                                17/07/2016   713.5 KB   sw console (80)
  double-alphabet-high-order-sequences--40.sw                                                       17/07/2016   22.7 KB
  double-alphabet-high-order-sequences--saved.sw                                                    17/07/2016   668.3 KB   sw console (80)
  double-alphabet-high-order-sequences.sw                                                           17/07/2016   22.7 KB
  early-us-presidents.sw                                                                            18/02/2014   3.4 KB   early US Presidents (14)
  ebook-letter-count--post-processing.sw                                                            08/06/2014   9.1 KB   play with letter counts (0)
  ebook-letter-counts--normalized.sw                                                                28/06/2015   9.9 KB   play with letter counts (10)
  ebook-letter-counts.sw                                                                            08/06/2014   3.8 KB   play with letter counts (0)
  ec2-fast-write--kevin-bacon.sw                                                                    02/11/2014   18.4 MB   Kevin Bacon game (0)
  encoder-graph.sw                                                                                  05/04/2017   611 B    encoder graph (8)
  english-dictionary.sw                                                                             29/08/2015   396.5 KB
  english-word-list.sw                                                                              24/02/2015   3.3 MB
  evidence-crime-vs-suspect.sw                                                                      19/06/2014   529 B    evidence of crime vs suspect (0)
  factorial.sw                                                                                      10/04/2014   319 B    factorial (2)
  fast-superposition--kevin-bacon--N-2.sw                                                           07/01/2015   11.2 MB   Kevin Bacon numbers (0)
  fast-superposition--kevin-bacon.sw                                                                05/01/2015   88.5 KB   Kevin Bacon numbers (0)
  fast-write-wikipedia-links--test-inverse.sw                                                       02/06/2015   127.0 MB   sw console (613729)
  fast-write-wikipedia-links--with-inverse.sw                                                       29/05/2015   144.4 MB   sw console (613732)
  fast-write-wikipedia-links--with-links-to-2.sw                                                    29/05/2015   543.3 MB   sw console (9995)
  fast-write-wikipedia-links.sw                                                                     28/05/2015   31.4 MB
  fib-play.sw                                                                                       10/04/2014   1.3 KB   Fibonacci method 1 (0), Fibonacci method 2 (0), Fibonacci method 3 (0), Fibonacci method 4 (0), algebra Fibonacci (0)
  fibonacci-saved.sw                                                                                03/12/2015   1.9 KB   Fibonacci (32)
  fibonacci.sw                                                                                      20/01/2016   424 B    Fibonacci (0)
  files-to-bytes.sw                                                                                 17/03/2015   35.5 KB   files to superpositions (5)
  find-image-left-right-difference.sw                                                               20/04/2015   546 B
  find-inverse-simm.sw                                                                              04/06/2015   550 B
  find-left-right-difference-lenna-image.sw                                                         20/04/2015   592 B
  first-sentence--big--saved.sw                                                                     22/11/2016   15.5 KB   sw console (0)
  first-sentence--big.sw                                                                            22/11/2016   5.9 KB
  first-sentence--saved.sw                                                                          22/11/2016   14.0 KB   sw console (0)
  first-sentence.sw                                                                                 22/11/2016   5.9 KB
  fixed-200-lenna.sw                                                                                09/12/2014   3.7 MB
  fizz-buzz--is-mod.sw                                                                              21/01/2016   472 B    Fizz Buzz exercise, is-mod version (0)
  fizz-buzz-example--working-version.sw                                                             29/10/2014   927 B    Fizz Buzz exercise in BKO: v3 (0)
  fizz-buzz-example.sw                                                                              29/10/2014   2.2 KB   Fizz Buzz exercise in BKO (0), Fizz Buzz exercise in BKO: v1 (0), Fizz Buzz exercise in BKO: v2 (0), Fizz Buzz exercise in BKO: v3 (0)
  fizz-buzz-post-processing.sw                                                                      29/10/2014   7.9 KB   Fizz Buzz in BKO (103)
  foaf-example-in-sw.sw                                                                             02/02/2015   3.1 KB   foaf example (0)
  four-alphabet-high-order-sequences--40--saved.sw                                                  19/07/2016   761.2 KB   high order sequences (0)
  four-alphabet-high-order-sequences--40.sw                                                         19/07/2016   27.4 KB
  fragment-documents-2.sw                                                                           05/05/2014   569.1 KB   fragment documents (8)
  fragment-documents-3-post-processing.sw                                                           06/05/2014   45.1 KB   fragment documents (46)
  fragment-documents-3.sw                                                                           06/05/2014   38.9 KB   fragment documents (10)
  fragment-documents-64k--post-processing--saved--cleaned.sw                                        18/05/2014   324.2 KB   fragment documents 64k hash (0)
  fragment-documents-64k--post-processing--saved.sw                                                 17/05/2014   325.1 KB   fragment documents 64k hash (0)
  fragment-documents-64k--post-processing.sw                                                        15/05/2014   301.7 KB   fragment documents 64k hash (0)
  fragment-documents-64k.sw                                                                         15/05/2014   295.4 KB   fragment documents 64k hash (0)
  fragment-documents-big-hash-more-post-processing--saved-2.sw                                      09/05/2014   264.7 KB   fragment documents big hash (0)
  fragment-documents-big-hash-more-post-processing--saved.sw                                        09/05/2014   248.8 KB   fragment documents big hash (12)
  fragment-documents-big-hash-more-post-processing.sw                                               09/05/2014   132.7 KB   fragment documents big hash (0)
  fragment-documents-big-hash-post-processing.sw                                                    08/05/2014   121.8 KB   fragment documents big hash (0)
  fragment-documents-big-hash-saved-processing-2.sw                                                 09/05/2014   226.5 KB   fragment documents big hash (12)
  fragment-documents-big-hash-saved-processing.sw                                                   09/05/2014   126.6 KB   fragment documents big hash (23)
  fragment-documents-big-hash.sw                                                                    08/05/2014   122.1 KB   fragment documents big hash (12)
  fragment-documents-bigger-hash.sw                                                                 08/05/2014   161.2 KB   fragment documents big hash (12)
  fragment-documents.sw                                                                             04/05/2014   387.2 KB   fragment documents (5)
  fragment-webpages-64k.sw                                                                          03/11/2014   476.0 KB   fragment webpages 64k hash (15)
  frag_ebooks_1M.sw                                                                                 09/05/2014   6.9 MB   fragment ebooks 1M (0)
  frag_ebooks_1M_post_processing--saved.sw                                                          11/05/2014   6.9 MB   fragment ebooks 1M (0)
  frag_ebooks_1M_post_processing.sw                                                                 09/05/2014   6.9 MB   fragment ebooks 1M (0)
  frame-sequences.sw                                                                                09/12/2016   1.5 KB
  fred-sam-friends-inverse-hash.sw                                                                  21/06/2016   522 B
  fred-sam-friends.sw                                                                               21/03/2014   380 B    friends (2)
  fred-sam-whistling.sw                                                                             06/06/2016   478 B    sw console (3)
  Freds-family.sw                                                                                   25/03/2014   829 B    Fred's family (5)
  friends.sw                                                                                        18/02/2014   643 B    friends (4)
  frog.sw                                                                                           18/02/2014   732 B    frog (0)
  full-220-edge-lenna.sw                                                                            11/05/2015   3.7 MB   sw console (1)
  full-mnist-phi-transformed-edge-enhanced--save.sw                                                 04/08/2016   198.4 MB   images to phi superpositions (80001)
  full-mnist-phi-transformed-edge-enhanced--saved.sw                                                04/08/2016   198.4 MB   images to phi superpositions (80031)
  full-unique-names.sw                                                                              24/03/2015   3.1 MB   names (3)
  fuzzy-logic-example.sw                                                                            14/12/2014   1.2 KB   fuzzy logic (10)
  gbp-usd-exchange-rate.sw                                                                          18/01/2016   538 B    GBP USD exchange rate (2)
  general-people-rules.sw                                                                           02/12/2014   944 B
  geonames-15000-id-version.sw                                                                      05/04/2014   9.2 MB   geonames 15000 id version (23282)
  geonames-15000.sw                                                                                 31/03/2014   10.1 MB   geonames 15000 (22063)
  geonames-au-id-version.sw                                                                         01/04/2014   49.9 MB   geonames AU id version (124455)
  geonames-au.sw                                                                                    31/03/2014   1.1 MB   geonames Australia (2463)
  george-gm.sw                                                                                      28/11/2016   13.2 KB
  george.sw                                                                                         26/02/2014   1.4 KB   George (0)
  good-will-hunting-adjacency-matrix.sw                                                             02/12/2015   248 B    good will hunting adjacency matrix (0)
  greetings-play.sw                                                                                 03/12/2014   616 B    greetings play (0)
  H-I-if-then-machine-example.sw                                                                    12/02/2016   5.9 KB   H I pat rec (19)
  H-I-pat-rec+comments.sw                                                                           28/03/2014   3.7 KB   H I pat rec (0)
  H-I-pat-rec.sw                                                                                    31/03/2014   4.2 KB   H I pat rec (0)
  has-k-cycle.sw                                                                                    15/03/2016   394 B
  hello-friends.sw                                                                                  20/04/2014   496 B    hello friends (0)
  high-order-sequences--saved.sw                                                                    23/08/2016   671.9 KB   sw console (35)
  high-order-sequences.sw                                                                           07/07/2016   4.4 KB
  high-tmp.sw                                                                                       17/07/2016   640.8 KB   sw console (38)
  how-well-do-you-know.sw                                                                           17/01/2016   547 B
  if-then-machine-learning-a-sequence.sw                                                            07/02/2016   8.0 KB   fixed if-then machine learning a sequence (22)
  image-ngram-superpositions.sw                                                                     08/03/2016   4.9 KB   image to sp (1)
  image-phi-superpositions--60k-train-label-averaged--5--t_0_8.sw                                   22/05/2016   3.4 MB   images to phi superpositions (2000)
  image-phi-superpositions--label-average--test-2000--5--t_0_8.sw                                   22/05/2016   3.4 MB   images to phi superpositions (2000)
  image-phi-superpositions--test-10k--using-edge-enhanced-features--k_5--t_0_4--saved.sw            01/08/2016   67.6 MB   images to phi superpositions (10031)
  image-phi-superpositions--test-10k--using-edge-enhanced-features--k_5--t_0_4.sw                   31/07/2016   40.2 MB   images to phi superpositions (10000)
  image-phi-superpositions--test-2000--phi-transformed-using-average-labels--k_5--t_0_8.sw          23/05/2016   3.4 MB   images to phi superpositions (2000)
  image-phi-superpositions--test-2000--using-edge-enhanced-features--k_5--t_0_4--phi0.sw            04/06/2016   8.0 MB   images to phi superpositions (2000)
  image-phi-superpositions--test-2000--using-edge-enhanced-features--k_5--t_0_4.sw                  28/05/2016   8.0 MB   images to phi superpositions (2000)
  image-phi-superpositions--train-60k--using-edge-enhanced-features--k_5--t_0_4--train-log-phi.sw   03/08/2016   118.3 MB
  image-phi-superpositions--train-60k--using-edge-enhanced-features--k_5--t_0_4.sw                  02/08/2016   235.9 MB
  image-phi-superpositions-5--t_0_4.sw                                                              12/05/2016   331.2 KB   images to phi superpositions (100)
  image-phi-superpositions-5.sw                                                                     11/05/2016   379.6 KB   images to phi superpositions (100)
  image-phi-superpositions-test-1000--5--t_0_4--buggy.sw                                            14/05/2016   3.7 MB   images to phi superpositions (1100)
  image-phi-superpositions-test-1000--5--t_0_4.sw                                                   14/05/2016   3.7 MB   images to phi superpositions (1100)
  image-phi-superpositions-test-2000--5--t_0_4--v2.sw                                               19/05/2016   6.8 MB   images to phi superpositions (2000)
  imdb-ratings-self-only.sw                                                                         07/09/2014   21.1 MB
  imdb-ratings.sw                                                                                   05/09/2014   1.6 MB
  imdb.sw                                                                                           22/08/2014   785.4 MB   full imdb (3206536)
  improved-apply-invert-R-R0-diff-v2.sw                                                             04/05/2015   864 B
  improved-apply-invert-R-R0-diff-v3.sw                                                             05/05/2015   867 B
  improved-apply-invert-R-R0-diff-v4.sw                                                             05/05/2015   867 B
  improved-apply-invert-R-R0-diff.sw                                                                04/05/2015   888 B
  improved-fragment-webpages--post-processing--saved-results.sw                                     23/02/2015   8.4 MB   fragment webpages (86)
  improved-fragment-webpages--post-processing.sw                                                    23/02/2015   6.0 MB   fragment webpages (66)
  improved-fragment-webpages.sw                                                                     23/02/2015   6.0 MB   fragment webpages (66)
  improved-geonames-au.sw                                                                           14/01/2015   109.0 MB   geonames AU (342675)
  improved-geonames-cities-1000.sw                                                                  18/01/2015   93.8 MB   geonames AU (266763)
  improved-geonames-cities-15000.sw                                                                 14/01/2015   16.1 MB   geonames cities 15000 (45516)
  improved-geonames-de.sw                                                                           23/01/2015   98.3 MB   geonames Germany (309554)
  improved-geonames-fr.sw                                                                           23/01/2015   82.4 MB   geonames France (229455)
  improved-geonames-gb.sw                                                                           23/01/2015   30.2 MB   geonames UK (100057)
  improved-geonames-us.sw                                                                           23/01/2015   1.3 GB   geonames US (3528593)
  improved-high-order-sequences--saved.sw                                                           17/07/2016   660.3 KB   sw console (38)
  improved-high-order-sequences--small--tidy.sw                                                     17/07/2016   7.2 KB
  improved-high-order-sequences--small.sw                                                           17/07/2016   4.9 KB
  improved-high-order-sequences.sw                                                                  15/07/2016   4.9 KB
  improved-imdb--actors-movie.sw                                                                    11/01/2015   172.2 MB
  improved-imdb--movies-actor.sw                                                                    11/01/2015   266.5 MB
  improved-imdb-year.sw                                                                             03/03/2015   470.0 MB   full improved imdb (0)
  improved-imdb.sw                                                                                  25/11/2014   587.9 MB   full improved imdb (2591131)
  improved-iris-pattern-recognition.sw                                                              12/03/2015   18.4 KB   iris pattern recognition (0)
  improved-moby-thesaurus.sw                                                                        23/01/2015   49.7 MB   Moby Thesaurus (30259)
  improved-random-greet.sw                                                                          21/12/2014   931 B    greetings play (2)
  improved-WP-word-frequencies.sw                                                                   30/03/2015   1.3 MB   wikipedia word frequencies (7)
  in-memory--kevin-bacon--N-1.sw                                                                    22/01/2015   88.5 KB   Kevin Bacon numbers (0)
  in-memory--kevin-bacon--N-2.sw                                                                    23/01/2015   11.2 MB   Kevin Bacon numbers (0)
  in-memory--kevin-bacon--N-3.sw                                                                    26/02/2015   11.2 MB   Kevin Bacon numbers (0)
  in-my-league.sw                                                                                   10/04/2014   1.1 KB   in my league (9)
  internet-acronyms.sw                                                                              06/08/2014   1.6 KB   common internet acronyms (0)
  iris-pattern-recognition.sw                                                                       12/03/2015   19.6 KB   iris pattern recognition (0)
  is-greater-than-examples.sw                                                                       12/02/2015   2.0 KB   is-greater-than examples (3)
  just-actors-imdb.sw                                                                               15/06/2014   94.9 MB
  just-some-workings-on-foaf-examples.sw                                                            25/01/2015   3.0 KB   sw console (27)
  karate-club--saved.sw                                                                             24/12/2016   83.5 KB   sw console (64)
  karate-club.sw                                                                                    24/12/2016   3.2 KB
  kevin-bacon-0.sw                                                                                  22/08/2014   163.9 KB   Kevin Bacon game (1)
  label-training-data-for-website-fragments.sw                                                      10/05/2015   1.2 KB
  latest-lenna.sw                                                                                   10/05/2015   3.7 MB   sw console (1)
  learn-simple-sequence-if-then-machines.sw                                                         28/06/2016   1.2 KB   learn simple sequence if then machines (0)
  learning-about-Mary.sw                                                                            13/10/2015   1.1 KB   learning about Mary (3)
  learning-plurals.sw                                                                               04/12/2015   1.8 KB   learning plurals (0)
  left-right-difference-lenna-image.sw                                                              20/04/2015   35.8 MB   sw console (48403)
  lenna-2d-image-difference-precomuted.sw                                                           20/04/2015   49.6 MB   sw console (48403)
  make-ft-spikes.sw                                                                                 17/03/2015   642 B
  mary-rob-liz-grades.sw                                                                            06/06/2016   1.3 KB   sw console (10)
  mary-went-sledding.sw                                                                             23/11/2016   910 B    Mary went sledding (6)
  matrix-as-network.sw                                                                              25/05/2014   898 B    matrix as network (0)
  matrix-example-2.sw                                                                               03/04/2014   986 B    2 matrix play (0)
  matrix-example.sw                                                                                 02/04/2014   1.0 KB   matrix play (4)
  mdc-problem.sw                                                                                    14/07/2015   1.8 KB   MDC problem (15)
  memoizing-fibonacci.sw                                                                            15/02/2015   521 B    memoizing Fibonacci (3)
  methanol.sw                                                                                       18/02/2014   703 B    methanol (0)
  mind-pixels.sw                                                                                    13/12/2015   1.2 KB   mind pixels (0)
  mindpixels.sw                                                                                     03/12/2016   8.2 KB
  minimalist-word-classes.sw                                                                        27/11/2016   123.6 KB
  mixed-op1.sw                                                                                      03/03/2014   968 B    sw console (9)
  mnist-1--image-ngram-superpositions-10.sw                                                         10/04/2016   396.3 KB   images to ngram superpositions (324)
  mnist-1--save-average-categorize--0_8--rescaled-layer-1.sw                                        10/04/2016   502.5 KB   images to ngram superpositions (348)
  mnist-1--save-average-categorize--0_9--rescaled-layer-1--filtered.sw                              10/04/2016   190.6 KB
  mnist-1--save-average-categorize--0_9--rescaled-layer-1.sw                                        10/04/2016   808.5 KB   images to ngram superpositions (465)
  mnist-1--save-average-categorize--0_9.sw                                                          10/04/2016   614.3 KB   images to ngram superpositions (464)
  mnist-100--image-ngram-superpositions-10.sw                                                       10/04/2016   38.6 MB   images to ngram superpositions (32400)
  mnist-100--k_10--ave-cat-rescale--0_4.sw                                                          08/05/2016   38.6 MB   images to ngram superpositions (32403)
  mnist-100--k_10--ave-cat-suppress--0_4.sw                                                         08/05/2016   38.6 MB   images to ngram superpositions (32406)
  mnist-100--k_10--layer-1--0_4.sw                                                                  06/05/2016   10.1 KB
  mnist-100--layer-1--0_5.sw                                                                        14/04/2016   42.9 KB
  mnist-100--rescale--k_10--layer-1--0_4.sw                                                         08/05/2016   7.2 KB
  mnist-100--save-average-categorize--0_5.sw                                                        12/04/2016   38.6 MB   images to ngram superpositions (32418)
  mnist-100--save-average-categorize--0_6.sw                                                        12/04/2016   38.7 MB   images to ngram superpositions (32458)
  mnist-100--save-average-categorize--0_65.sw                                                       13/04/2016   38.8 MB   images to ngram superpositions (32503)
  mnist-100--save-average-categorize--0_7.sw                                                        13/04/2016   39.0 MB   images to ngram superpositions (32605)
  mnist-100--save-average-categorize--0_8.sw                                                        12/04/2016   41.0 MB   images to ngram superpositions (33638)
  mnist-100--suppress--k_10--layer-1--0_4.sw                                                        08/05/2016   11.5 KB
  mnist-1000--final-rescale--k_4--layer-1--0_4.sw                                                   08/05/2016   21.1 KB
  mnist-1000--final-rescale--k_5--layer-1--0_4.sw                                                   08/05/2016   34.3 KB
  mnist-1000--full-rescale--k_4--layer-1--0_4.sw                                                    08/05/2016   24.8 KB
  mnist-1000--image-ngram-superpositions-10.sw                                                      14/04/2016   388.6 MB   images to ngram superpositions (324000)
  mnist-1000--image-ngram-superpositions-4.sw                                                       04/05/2016   158.7 MB   images to ngram superpositions (576000)
  mnist-1000--image-ngram-superpositions-5.sw                                                       08/05/2016   198.4 MB   images to ngram superpositions (529000)
  mnist-1000--k_4--ave-cat-final-rescale--0_4.sw                                                    08/05/2016   158.7 MB   images to ngram superpositions (576062)
  mnist-1000--k_4--ave-cat-full-rescale--0_4.sw                                                     08/05/2016   158.7 MB   images to ngram superpositions (576101)
  mnist-1000--k_4--ave-cat-suppress--0_4.sw                                                         08/05/2016   158.9 MB   images to ngram superpositions (577267)
  mnist-1000--k_4--layer-1--0_4.sw                                                                  05/05/2016   22.3 KB
  mnist-1000--k_4--layer-1--0_5.sw                                                                  05/05/2016   35.9 KB
  mnist-1000--k_4--save-average-categorize--0_4.sw                                                  05/05/2016   158.7 MB   images to ngram superpositions (576062)
  mnist-1000--k_4--save-average-categorize--0_5.sw                                                  05/05/2016   158.7 MB   images to ngram superpositions (576097)
  mnist-1000--k_5--ave-cat-final-rescale--0_4.sw                                                    08/05/2016   198.4 MB   images to ngram superpositions (529060)
  mnist-1000--layer-1--0_5.sw                                                                       16/04/2016   163.5 KB
  mnist-1000--rescale--k_4--layer-1--0_4.sw                                                         08/05/2016   28.6 KB
  mnist-1000--save-average-categorize--0_5.sw                                                       16/04/2016   387.9 MB   images to ngram superpositions (324069)
  mnist-1000--suppress--k_4--layer-1--0_4.sw                                                        08/05/2016   169.9 KB
  mnist-10000-train--k_5--t_0_4--layer-1.sw                                                         11/05/2016   102.6 KB   images to average image ngrams (158)
  mnist-10000-train--k_5--t_0_5--layer-1.sw                                                         10/05/2016   171.4 KB   images to ngram superpositions (265)
  mnist-60000-train-label-averaged--k_5--t_0_4--layer-1.sw                                          21/05/2016   790 B    images to average image ngrams (1)
  mnist-60000-train-label-averaged--k_5--t_0_7--layer-1.sw                                          21/05/2016   5.9 KB   images to average image ngrams (9)
  mnist-60000-train-label-averaged--k_5--t_0_8--layer-1--v2.sw                                      29/07/2016   21.4 KB   images to average image ngrams (34)
  mnist-60000-train-label-averaged--k_5--t_0_8--layer-1.sw                                          21/05/2016   21.4 KB   images to average image ngrams (34)
  mnist-60000-train-label-averaged--k_5--t_0_85--layer-1.sw                                         21/05/2016   49.7 KB   images to average image ngrams (87)
  mnist-60000-train-label-averaged--k_5--t_0_9--layer-1.sw                                          21/05/2016   140.0 KB   images to average image ngrams (271)
  mnist-contracted-if-then-machines.sw                                                              08/08/2016   118.5 MB    (60020)
  mnist-test-1--0_5-similarity.sw                                                                   14/04/2016   619.0 KB   images to ngram superpositions (343)
  mnist-test-1--image-ngram-superpositions-10.sw                                                    14/04/2016   389.1 KB   images to ngram superpositions (324)
  mnist-test-2000--edge-enhanced--k_10--t_0_7--layer-1.sw                                           24/05/2016   4.7 MB   images to average image ngrams (2367)
  mnist-test-2000--edge-enhanced--k_5--t_0_4--layer-1.sw                                            26/05/2016   83.7 KB   images to average image ngrams (141)
  mnist-test-2000--edge-enhanced--k_7--t_0_7--layer-1.sw                                            26/05/2016   1.8 MB   images to average image ngrams (2091)
  mnist-test-images.sw                                                                              08/04/2016   19.4 MB   mnist train images (10000)
  mnist-test-labels--edge-enhanced.sw                                                               01/06/2016   1.4 MB    (10000)
  mnist-test-labels.sw                                                                              12/05/2016   1.1 MB    (10000)
  mnist-train-images.sw                                                                             08/04/2016   115.2 MB   mnist train images (60000)
  mnist-train-labels--edge-enhanced.sw                                                              03/08/2016   4.2 MB
  moby-dictionary.sw                                                                                28/11/2018   3.3 MB
  moby-thesaurus.sw                                                                                 21/04/2014   31.2 MB   Moby Thesaurus (30243)
  multi-check-round.sw                                                                              14/03/2014   442 B    sw console (2), testing round (1)
  names.sw                                                                                          14/03/2014   1.6 MB   names (3)
  natural-language-random-greet.sw                                                                  13/07/2015   944 B    greetings play (0)
  nested-set.sw                                                                                     21/08/2014   187 B
  network-1--labeled.sw                                                                             20/03/2016   296 B
  network-1.sw                                                                                      13/03/2016   209 B
  network-10.sw                                                                                     18/03/2016   260 B
  network-11.sw                                                                                     18/03/2016   144 B
  network-12.sw                                                                                     18/03/2016   144 B
  network-13.sw                                                                                     18/03/2016   112 B
  network-14.sw                                                                                     18/03/2016   112 B
  network-16.sw                                                                                     18/03/2016   208 B
  network-17.sw                                                                                     18/03/2016   156 B
  network-18.sw                                                                                     18/03/2016   156 B
  network-2.sw                                                                                      13/03/2016   208 B
  network-20.sw                                                                                     18/03/2016   208 B
  network-21.sw                                                                                     18/03/2016   148 B
  network-22.sw                                                                                     18/03/2016   148 B
  network-23.sw                                                                                     18/03/2016   144 B
  network-24.sw                                                                                     18/03/2016   144 B
  network-3.sw                                                                                      13/03/2016   208 B
  network-4.sw                                                                                      13/03/2016   208 B
  network-5.sw                                                                                      14/03/2016   156 B
  network-6.sw                                                                                      14/03/2016   156 B
  network-7-a--as-result-sw.sw                                                                      20/03/2016   6.2 KB
  network-7-b--as-result-sw.sw                                                                      20/03/2016   6.2 KB
  network-7.sw                                                                                      18/03/2016   260 B
  network-8.sw                                                                                      18/03/2016   260 B
  network-9.sw                                                                                      18/03/2016   264 B
  new-220-lenna.sw                                                                                  13/01/2015   17.4 MB   sw console (48401)
  new-fib.sw                                                                                        20/01/2016   217 B    new fib (0)
  new-george.sw                                                                                     21/08/2014   2.3 KB   George (0)
  new-lenna.sw                                                                                      11/05/2015   3.7 MB   sw console (1)
  next-breakfast-menu.sw                                                                            26/03/2014   3.2 KB   breakfast menu (6)
  next-fib-play.sw                                                                                  10/04/2014   429 B    next fib play (3)
  ngram-letter-pairs--gone-with-the-wind.sw                                                         02/08/2015   1.6 MB   rambler letter ngrams (10635)
  ngram-letter-pairs--rusty.sw                                                                      10/06/2016   4.1 MB   rambler letter ngrams (28780)
  ngram-letter-pairs--shakespeare.sw                                                                02/08/2015   2.6 MB   rambler letter ngrams (0)
  ngram-letter-pairs--sherlock-holmes--add-learn.sw                                                 15/11/2015   1.2 MB   rambler letter ngrams (9297)
  ngram-letter-pairs--sherlock-holmes.sw                                                            02/08/2015   724.0 KB   rambler letter ngrams (0)
  ngram-letter-pairs--tom-sawyer.sw                                                                 19/07/2015   699.8 KB   rambler letter ngrams (0)
  ngram-letter-pairs--trane.sw                                                                      10/06/2016   3.6 MB   rambler letter ngrams (25489)
  ngram-pairs--crawford.sw                                                                          10/02/2015   93.0 MB   rambler ngrams (997723)
  ngram-pairs--tidy-crawford.sw                                                                     10/02/2015   45.9 MB   rambler ngrams (0)
  ngram-pairs--Tom-Sawyer.sw                                                                        09/02/2015   6.2 MB   rambler ngrams (68430)
  ngram-pairs--webboard.sw                                                                          10/02/2015   268.2 MB   rambler ngrams (2849115)
  ngram-pairs--wp-adelaide.sw                                                                       09/02/2015   884.8 KB   rambler ngrams (8796)
  ngram-word-pairs--procrasti.sw                                                                    08/06/2016   37.7 MB   rambler letter ngrams (409809)
  ngram-word-pairs--rusty.sw                                                                        08/06/2016   49.0 MB   rambler letter ngrams (537109)
  ngram-word-pairs--tdillo.sw                                                                       09/06/2016   56.2 MB   rambler letter ngrams (624797)
  ngram-word-pairs--trane.sw                                                                        10/06/2016   36.2 MB   rambler letter ngrams (397441)
  noise-cancellation-examples.sw                                                                    10/05/2016   83.7 KB   adding noisy patterns v2 (82)
  non-linear-links-to-einstein.sw                                                                   30/05/2015   1002 B
  non-linear-resonance.sw                                                                           20/04/2014   727 B    non-linear resonance (9)
  normed-frequency-class-examples.sw                                                                19/03/2015   1006 B    normed frequency class (0)
  not-one-to-six.sw                                                                                 11/05/2014   262 B    sw console (0)
  op-self-sorting.sw                                                                                28/10/2014   660 B    op-self sorting (0)
  part-of-speech.sw                                                                                 07/06/2014   15.5 MB   part of speech (0)
  pi-e-sequences.sw                                                                                 06/06/2017   2.9 KB
  pi-sans-random-column.sw                                                                          07/06/2017   1.5 KB
  pick-top-5.sw                                                                                     18/06/2015   491 B
  play-classifier.sw                                                                                12/07/2016   1.1 KB   play classifier (10)
  plural-rules.sw                                                                                   26/03/2014   385 B    sw console (2)
  post-process-kevin-bacon-0.sw                                                                     22/08/2014   1.8 KB
  pretty-print-table-of-australian-cities.sw                                                        01/02/2015   3.0 KB   pretty print table of Australian cities (8)
  prolog-example-2.sw                                                                               01/05/2014   696 B    prolog example (5)
  prolog-example.sw                                                                                 01/05/2014   827 B    prolog example (0)
  Ramsey-graph-1.sw                                                                                 16/03/2016   1.7 KB   sw console (17)
  Ramsey-graph-2.sw                                                                                 16/03/2016   1.7 KB   sw console (17)
  random-greetings.sw                                                                               23/04/2014   1.2 KB   greetings play (3)
  raw-mnist-test-100-superpositions.sw                                                              12/05/2016   977.8 KB   raw mnist superpositions (100)
  recall-general-rules-example.sw                                                                   25/03/2014   731 B    recall (4)
  red--saved-average-categorize-pixels.sw                                                           11/05/2015   5.8 KB   H I pat rec (11)
  rounded-names.sw                                                                                  13/03/2014   1.5 MB   names (3)
  saved-average-categorize-pixels.sw                                                                12/05/2015   5.2 KB   H I pat rec (11)
  saved-average-categorize.sw                                                                       10/05/2015   8.3 MB   fragment webpages (80)
  saved-invert-R-R0-diff-smooth-20-child.sw                                                         08/05/2015   620.2 MB   sw console (106669)
  saved-invert-R-R0-diff-smooth-20-lenna.sw                                                         05/05/2015   279.0 MB   sw console (48403)
  saved-invert-R-R0-diff-smooth-5-lenna.sw                                                          04/05/2015   103.9 MB   sw console (48403)
  saved-label-training-data-for-website-fragments.sw                                                10/05/2015   7.2 MB   fragment webpages (74)
  saved-minimalist-average-website-fragments.sw                                                     10/05/2015   7.0 MB   fragment webpages (79)
  saved-smooth-20-child.sw                                                                          07/05/2015   569.5 MB   sw console (106669)
  saved-smooth-20-lenna.sw                                                                          05/05/2015   256.5 MB   sw console (48403)
  saved-smooth-20-wolf.sw                                                                           05/07/2015   411.6 MB   sw console (79223)
  saved-smooth-5-lenna.sw                                                                           04/05/2015   80.4 MB   sw console (48403)
  scalar-encode-sequence-learn.sw                                                                   05/06/2017   1.2 KB
  schrodingers-cat.sw                                                                               04/08/2014   219 B    schrodingers cat (0)
  semantic-network-example.sw                                                                       14/12/2015   631 B    semantic network example (5)
  sentence-sequence--multi-layer.sw                                                                 21/11/2016   6.2 KB
  sentence-sequence.sw                                                                              21/11/2016   3.8 KB
  share-categories.sw                                                                               04/08/2014   718 B
  shares--categorized-close-0.8-result.sw                                                           05/06/2014   16.2 MB   play with shares (0)
  shares.sw                                                                                         03/06/2014   16.2 MB   play with shares (0)
  sherlock-word2sp-trial--saved.sw                                                                  21/11/2015   23.4 MB   word2sp (8456)
  shopping-basket-example.sw                                                                        03/03/2014   1.3 KB   shopping (5)
  shopping-basket.sw                                                                                03/03/2014   1.3 KB   shopping (5)
  short-list-primes.sw                                                                              01/12/2014   418 B
  similar-chars-example.sw                                                                          10/11/2014   615 B    sw console (6)
  simple-apply-sp-example.sw                                                                        10/11/2014   630 B    sw console (4)
  simple-binary-tree.sw                                                                             11/05/2014   542 B    simple binary tree (0)
  simple-english-spell-check-dictionary.sw                                                          24/02/2015   29.3 MB   sw console (233090)
  simple-entanglement-example.sw                                                                    22/10/2015   617 B    simple entanglement example (1)
  simple-feynman-diagram.sw                                                                         26/01/2016   445 B    simple Feynman diagram (4)
  simple-if-then-machine.sw                                                                         04/02/2016   680 B    if-then machine (8)
  simple-logic-example-v2.sw                                                                        02/08/2015   1.9 KB   simple logic example v2 (11)
  simple-logic-example.sw                                                                           30/07/2015   1.5 KB   simple logic example (9)
  simple-molecules.sw                                                                               18/02/2014   1.8 KB   simple molecules (11)
  simple-movie-recommendation-example.sw                                                            18/06/2014   1.8 KB   simple movie recommendation example (0), simple movie recommendation example, normed (0)
  simple-network.sw                                                                                 05/04/2014   265 B
  simple-permutation-table.sw                                                                       24/03/2016   1.3 KB   permutation table (10)
  simple-sentence-to-word2sp-example.sw                                                             19/11/2015   1.8 KB   simple sentence to word2sp example (6)
  simple-sentences.sw                                                                               02/12/2016   8.8 KB
  simple-sequences.sw                                                                               02/12/2016   2.5 KB
  simple-shopping-basket.sw                                                                         02/11/2014   471 B    shopping basket (0)
  simple-simm-test.sw                                                                               28/10/2014   727 B    simm test (0), simm test (0)
  small-english-dictionary.sw                                                                       28/11/2018   902.5 KB
  small-fib.sw                                                                                      22/05/2014   312 B    sw console (0)
  small-fred.sw                                                                                     10/11/2014   225 B    sw console (1)
  small-lenna--image-ngram-superpositions-10.sw                                                     10/04/2016   158.9 MB   images to ngram superpositions (44100)
  small-lenna-edge-40--image-ngram-superpositions-10.sw                                             12/04/2016   159.1 MB   images to ngram superpositions (44100)
  small-lenna-edge-40--layer-1--0_4.sw                                                              22/04/2016   367.1 KB
  small-lenna-edge-40--layer-1--0_7.sw                                                              21/04/2016   11.4 MB
  small-lenna-edge-40--save-average-categorize--0_4.sw                                              22/04/2016   159.5 MB   images to ngram superpositions (44159)
  small-lenna-edge-40--save-average-categorize--0_7.sw                                              21/04/2016   170.7 MB   images to ngram superpositions (46535)
  small-names.sw                                                                                    13/03/2014   760 B    names (3)
  small-test-imdb.sw                                                                                10/06/2014   590.4 KB   play with imdb (4013)
  smooth-map.sw                                                                                     16/12/2014   831 B    smooth map (4)
  smooth.sw                                                                                         02/05/2014   512 B    smooth (0)
  smoothed-spike-fourier-transform.sw                                                               29/09/2016   722.0 KB   sw console (22)
  some-data.sw                                                                                      23/02/2014   816 B    sw console (10)
  spell-active-buffer.sw                                                                            03/07/2014   251 B
  spelling-dictionary-big-range--saved-v2.sw                                                        06/10/2016   240.3 MB   sw console (730701)
  spelling-dictionary-big-range--saved.sw                                                           04/10/2016   240.3 MB   sw console (730701)
  spelling-dictionary-big-range.sw                                                                  03/10/2016   72.1 MB
  spelling-dictionary-v3--saved.sw                                                                  24/10/2016   247.2 MB   sw console (805251)
  spelling-dictionary-v3.sw                                                                         10/10/2016   75.1 MB
  spelling-dictionary.sw                                                                            16/09/2016   72.1 MB
  split-imdb-kevin-bacon-N-2.sw                                                                     11/01/2015   11.2 MB   Kevin Bacon numbers (0)
  spreading-activation.sw                                                                           15/12/2015   1.2 KB   spreading activation (15)
  subseqlearn-nlp--I-robot--raw.sw                                                                  18/07/2017   233.1 KB
  subseqlearn-nlp--I-robot.sw                                                                       18/07/2017   254.7 KB
  subseqlearn-nlp--Sherlock--raw.sw                                                                 27/07/2017   330.9 KB
  subseqlearn-nlp--Sherlock.sw                                                                      27/07/2017   361.0 KB
  subseqlearn-nlp--tom-sawyer--raw.sw                                                               16/07/2017   449.6 KB
  subseqlearn-nlp--wp-adelaide-split--raw.sw                                                        16/07/2017   11.9 KB
  subseqlearn-nlp--wp-adelaide-split.sw                                                             16/07/2017   12.2 KB
  subseqlearn-nlp--wp-australia-split--raw.sw                                                       16/07/2017   12.1 KB
  subseqlearn-nlp--wp-australia-split.sw                                                            16/07/2017   12.4 KB
  subseqlearn-nlp--wp-dog-split--raw.sw                                                             16/07/2017   645 B
  subseqlearn-nlp--wp-dog-split.sw                                                                  16/07/2017   655 B
  subseqlearn-nlp-wp-dog--raw.sw                                                                    16/07/2017   5.7 KB
  sum-of-prime-factors.sw                                                                           04/12/2015   53.0 KB   sw console (1000)
  sw-files-to-frequency-lists.sw                                                                    25/03/2015   87.0 KB   sw files to frequency lists (127)
  swear-words.sw                                                                                    23/03/2014   906 B    swear words (3)
  temperature-conversion.sw                                                                         18/01/2016   1.3 KB   temperature conversion (3)
  test-map-on-load.sw                                                                               23/02/2015   358 B    test map on load (0)
  test-stored-rule.sw                                                                               19/03/2014   405 B    sw console (4)
  testing-algebra-load.sw                                                                           14/03/2014   190 B    testing algebra load (0)
  testing-ecs.sw                                                                                    25/02/2014   201 B    testing ecs (0)
  testing-networks.sw                                                                               20/03/2016   4.0 KB   matrix to network (0)
  testing-word2sp.sw                                                                                22/11/2015   17.2 MB   word2sp (8455)
  the-doors--people-are-strange.sw                                                                  11/08/2015   2.8 KB
  the-woman-saw--saved.sw                                                                           22/11/2016   655.1 KB   sw console (103)
  the-woman-saw--tidy.sw                                                                            22/11/2016   20.8 KB   sw console (0)
  the-woman-saw.sw                                                                                  22/11/2016   7.8 KB
  tmp-fishy.sw                                                                                      17/07/2016   20.0 KB   sw console (13)
  tmp.sw                                                                                            24/02/2014    52 B    testing load (0)
  top-level-domains.sw                                                                              03/03/2015   19.1 KB   top level domains (0)
  train-of-thought.sw                                                                               28/07/2014   718 B    sw console (4)
  triangle-alphabet--10--10--saved.sw                                                               24/07/2016   676.4 KB   high order sequences (0)
  triangle-alphabet--10--10.sw                                                                      24/07/2016   26.9 KB
  triangle-alphabet--10--200--saved.sw                                                              24/07/2016   678.5 KB   high order sequences (0)
  triangle-alphabet--10--200.sw                                                                     24/07/2016   26.9 KB
  triangle-alphabet--40--10--saved.sw                                                               24/07/2016   754.5 KB   high order sequences (0)
  triangle-alphabet--40--10.sw                                                                      24/07/2016   26.9 KB
  truncated-alphabet.sw                                                                             15/09/2016   949 B
  two-alphabet-high-order-sequences--10--100--saved.sw                                              24/07/2016   664.6 KB   high order sequences (0)
  two-alphabet-high-order-sequences--10--100.sw                                                     24/07/2016   22.7 KB
  two-alphabet-high-order-sequences--10--200--saved.sw                                              24/07/2016   665.1 KB   high order sequences (0)
  two-alphabet-high-order-sequences--10--200.sw                                                     24/07/2016   22.7 KB
  two-alphabet-high-order-sequences--10--50--saved.sw                                               24/07/2016   664.5 KB   high order sequences (0)
  two-alphabet-high-order-sequences--10--50.sw                                                      24/07/2016   22.7 KB
  two-alphabet-high-order-sequences--saved.sw                                                       17/07/2016   674.2 KB   sw console (109)
  two-alphabet-high-order-sequences.sw                                                              17/07/2016   25.0 KB
  two-alphabet-joined-high-order-sequences--40--saved.sw                                            17/07/2016   736.3 KB   sw console (120)
  two-alphabet-joined-high-order-sequences--40.sw                                                   17/07/2016   25.8 KB
  two-alphabet-joined-high-order-sequences--saved.sw                                                17/07/2016   676.7 KB   sw console (120)
  two-alphabet-joined-high-order-sequences.sw                                                       17/07/2016   25.8 KB
  UK-to-US-spelling.sw                                                                              23/03/2014   2.2 KB   UK to US spelling (0)
  UK-US-English.sw                                                                                  23/03/2014   4.9 KB   US UK English (0)
  UK-US-example.sw                                                                                  23/03/2014   5.6 KB   US UK English (48)
  unique-modifiers--procrasti.sw                                                                    27/11/2016   127.3 KB
  unique-names.sw                                                                                   24/03/2015   2.7 MB   names (7)
  unique-pre-post-words--procrasti.sw                                                               28/11/2016   254.7 KB
  uranium-fission.sw                                                                                12/09/2015   917 B    uranium fission products (2)
  visualizing-edit-distance--raw.sw                                                                 20/12/2015   550 B    visualizing edit distance (5)
  wave-fn-collapse-example--bigger--saved.sw                                                        28/10/2015   2.9 MB   simple wave-fn collapse idea with bigger example (1003)
  wave-fn-collapse-example--bigger.sw                                                               28/10/2015   22.5 KB   simple wave-fn collapse idea with bigger example (0)
  wave-fn-collapse-example--sans-normalize.sw                                                       26/10/2015   4.6 KB   simple wave-fn collapse idea (0)
  wave-fn-collapse-example.sw                                                                       28/10/2015   4.5 KB   simple wave-fn collapse idea (0)
  weekday-if-then-machines-v2.sw                                                                    19/02/2016   4.7 KB   weekday if-then machines (29)
  weekday-if-then-machines.sw                                                                       11/02/2016   4.2 KB   weekday if-then machines (29)
  wikipedia-links.sw                                                                                24/05/2015   882.4 KB   wikipedia links (0)
  word-classes--large--class-3.sw                                                                   10/11/2016   3.0 GB
  word-classes--large.sw                                                                            10/11/2016   386.9 MB
  word-classes--procrasti.sw                                                                        12/11/2016   32.7 MB
  word-classes--rusty--class-2-2.sw                                                                 08/11/2016   3.2 MB
  word-classes--rusty--filtered.sw                                                                  08/11/2016   28.3 MB
  word-classes--rusty--processed.sw                                                                 10/11/2016   48.3 MB   sw console (375054)
  word-classes--rusty--sans-class-5.sw                                                              08/11/2016   129.4 MB
  word-classes--rusty.sw                                                                            07/11/2016   265.3 MB
  word-classes--sherlock-v2.sw                                                                      11/11/2016   8.3 MB
  word-classes--sherlock.sw                                                                         07/11/2016   45.9 MB
  word-classes--tdillo.sw                                                                           11/11/2016   49.7 MB
  word-classes--trane.sw                                                                            12/11/2016   32.4 MB
  word-classes-operators.sw                                                                         11/11/2016   743 B
  word-context--complete-k5.sw                                                                      04/02/2017     0 B
  word-context--procrasti.sw                                                                        04/02/2017   6.8 MB
  word-context--rusty.sw                                                                            04/02/2017   8.9 MB
  word-positions--full-k5.sw                                                                        09/02/2017   72.9 MB
  word-positions--rusty.sw                                                                          09/02/2017   1.7 MB
  word-positions--sherlock.sw                                                                       09/02/2017   432.0 KB
  WP-post-processing-2.sw                                                                           20/06/2014   954 B
  WP-post-processing-3.sw                                                                           20/06/2014   662 B
  WP-post-processing.sw                                                                             20/06/2014   704 B
  WP-word-frequencies.sw                                                                            21/08/2014   1.3 MB   wikipedia word frequencies (8)
  www-proposal.sw                                                                                   30/05/2014   813 B    www proposal (0)
  yes-no-matrix.sw                                                                                  21/06/2015   249 B    yes no matrix (2)
  zzzzz.sw                                                                                          23/03/2014   13.2 KB   US UK English (67)

OK. Now with "supported-ops" everywhere, sw files can be a little hard to read.
And so I introduce
$ ./ sw-examples/non-linear-resonance.sw
|context> => |context: non-linear resonance>
resonance |*> #=> 1000 drop-below[0.99] simm(""|_self>, ""|g>) |g>
 |g> => |a> + |b> + |c> + |d>
 |f1> => |a>
 |f2> => |a> + |b>
 |f3> => |a> + |b> + |c>
 |f4> => |a> + |b> + |c> + 0.9|d>
 |f5> => 0.95|a> + |b> + |c> + |d>
 |f6> => |a> + |b> + |c> + |d>
 |f7> => |a> + |b> + |c> + |d> + |e>                 
Here is a new script to spit out sw file stats:

if [ $# -lt 1 ] ; then
  echo -e "\nUsage: ./ file\n"


size=$(du -h "$file" | cut -f1)
op_count=$(grep -v "^supported-op" "$file" | grep "^[[:alpha:]]" | sed 's/ |.*$//g' | sort | uniq | wc -l)
learn_rule_count=$(grep -v "^supported-op" "$file" | grep -c " => ")

echo "($size, $op_count op types and $learn_rule_count learn rules)"