-- create website similarity matrices: -- list of abc websites, note we include |abc 11> and |average abc> |full abc list> => |abc 1> + |abc 2> + |abc 3> + |abc 4> + |abc 5> + |abc 6> + |abc 7> + |abc 8> + |abc 9> + |abc 10> + |abc 11> + |average abc> -- we want abc-hash to be distinct from standard hash, to reduce the matrix to abc only abc-hash-4B |*> #=> hash-4B |_self> |null> => map[abc-hash-4B] "" |full abc list> -- we want the abc-simm to be distinct from the standard simm, to reduce the matrix to abc only abc-simm |*> #=> 100 self-similar[abc-hash-4B] |_self> |null> => map[abc-simm,abc-similarity] "" |full abc list> -- now the rest of them: |full adelaidenow list> => |adelaidenow 1> + |adelaidenow 2> + |adelaidenow 3> + |adelaidenow 4> + |adelaidenow 5> + |adelaidenow 6> + |adelaidenow 7> + |adelaidenow 8> + |adelaidenow 9> + |adelaidenow 10> + |adelaidenow 11> + |average adelaidenow> adelaidenow-hash-4B |*> #=> hash-4B |_self> |null> => map[adelaidenow-hash-4B] "" |full adelaidenow list> adelaidenow-simm |*> #=> 100 self-similar[adelaidenow-hash-4B] |_self> |null> => map[adelaidenow-simm,adelaidenow-similarity] "" |full adelaidenow list> |full slashdot list> => |slashdot 1> + |slashdot 2> + |slashdot 3> + |slashdot 4> + |slashdot 5> + |slashdot 6> + |slashdot 7> + |slashdot 8> + |slashdot 9> + |slashdot 10> + |slashdot 11> + |average slashdot> slashdot-hash-4B |*> #=> hash-4B |_self> |null> => map[slashdot-hash-4B] "" |full slashdot list> slashdot-simm |*> #=> 100 self-similar[slashdot-hash-4B] |_self> |null> => map[slashdot-simm,slashdot-similarity] "" |full slashdot list> |full smh list> => |smh 1> + |smh 2> + |smh 3> + |smh 4> + |smh 5> + |smh 6> + |smh 7> + |smh 8> + |smh 9> + |smh 10> + |smh 11> + |average smh> smh-hash-4B |*> #=> hash-4B |_self> |null> => map[smh-hash-4B] "" |full smh list> smh-simm |*> #=> 100 self-similar[smh-hash-4B] |_self> |null> => map[smh-simm,smh-similarity] "" |full smh list> |full wikipedia list> => |wikipedia 1> + |wikipedia 2> + |wikipedia 3> + |wikipedia 4> + |wikipedia 5> + |wikipedia 6> + |wikipedia 7> + |wikipedia 8> + |wikipedia 9> + |wikipedia 10> + |wikipedia 11> + |average wikipedia> wikipedia-hash-4B |*> #=> hash-4B |_self> |null> => map[wikipedia-hash-4B] "" |full wikipedia list> wikipedia-simm |*> #=> 100 self-similar[wikipedia-hash-4B] |_self> |null> => map[wikipedia-simm,wikipedia-similarity] "" |full wikipedia list> |full youtube list> => |youtube 1> + |youtube 2> + |youtube 3> + |youtube 4> + |youtube 5> + |youtube 6> + |youtube 7> + |youtube 8> + |youtube 9> + |youtube 10> + |youtube 11> + |average youtube> youtube-hash-4B |*> #=> hash-4B |_self> |null> => map[youtube-hash-4B] "" |full youtube list> youtube-simm |*> #=> 100 self-similar[youtube-hash-4B] |_self> |null> => map[youtube-simm,youtube-similarity] "" |full youtube list>