|context> => |context: op-self sorting> -- define a list |list> => split |a b c d e> -- shuffle the list |list> => shuffle "" |list> -- define our op-self coeffs: op-self |a> => 2|a> op-self |b> => 3|b> op-self |c> => 4|c> op-self |d> => 5|d> op-self |e> => 6|e> -- define our sorting functions op-sort |*> #=> clean coeff-sort op-self clean "" |_self> rev-op-sort |*> #=> clean reverse coeff-sort op-self clean "" |_self> -- store the sorted results |sorted list> => op-sort |list> |reverse sorted list> => rev-op-sort |list> -- store the sorted results with respect to list sorted |list> => op-sort |_self> reverse-sorted |list> => rev-op-sort |_self>