object types: sequence

        sp1 . sp2 . sp3 ... . spn
        a sequence is a time ordered list of one or more superpositions
        notationally we separate the superpositions using the infix dot symbol
        a sequence simply represents the change of a system with respect to time
        they are the most general object type in the SDB
        and all operators in the language map sequences to sequences
        because all operators map sequences to sequences we can arbitrarily chain operators into so called operator sequences

        -- the spelling of a word:
        ssplit |Adelaide>
            |A> . |d> . |e> . |l> . |a> . |i> . |d> . |e>

        -- a sequence of numbers:
        ssplit[" "] |2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23>
            |2> . |3> . |5> . |7> . |11> . |13> . |17> . |19> . |23>

        -- just something abstract:
        split |abc> . split |uv> . split |xyz>
            |a> + |b> + |c> . |u> + |v> . |x> + |y> + |z>

        -- another abstract example, this time superpositions with coeff other than 1:
        rank (split |abc> . split |uv> . split |xyz>)
            |a> + 2|b> + 3|c> . |u> + 2|v> . |x> + 2|y> + 3|z>

    see also:
        ket, superposition, ssplit
