object types: ket
|some text label>
c|another text label>
kets are the fundamental building block of the SDB project
in essence everything is either a ket or an operator
the text label of a ket is an almost arbitrary string
with the exception that it can't contain the < | or > symbols
the so called coefficient of a ket is a float, usually positive
if the coefficient is not given then it has coefficient == 1
colons in the ket label notate the category of the object
|food: bread> says that bread is in the category of food
one interpretation of a ket is a single synapse in a brain
where the coefficient represents the activity of that synapse over some small time window
and the ket label is just some useful label for that synapse
another interpretation of a ket is a single node in a directed graph
NB: in the back-end code, the ket label strings are mapped to unique integers
-- kets can represent concepts:
-- eg, a little hungry:
-- eg, very tired:
-- noun's:
|person: Fred Smith>
-- proper noun's:
|city of Adelaide>
-- numbers:
-- point on a number line:
|x: 9>
-- a 2D co-ordinate:
|3: 11>
see also:
superposition, sequence