Simple chemistry

In this example we use the transform() operator to perform simple chemical reactions (though the transform operator is more general than that), and then in the second part we implement the split-molecule operator that splits a molecule into its atoms, along with atom counts. The split-molecule operator is essentially a simple parser.

Here is the code:

-- represent some simple chemical reactions, using our transform() operator
-- and define an operator that splits a chemical into component atoms
-- created 2021/6/23
-- updated 2021/6/24

-- define the individual reactions:
make-carbon-dioxide (*) #=> drop transform(|C> + |O2>, |CO2>) |__self>
make-sodium-bicarbonate (*) #=> drop transform(|CO2> + |NaOH>, |NaHCO3>) |__self>
make-sodium-chloride (*) #=> drop transform(|NaHCO3> + |HCl>, |H2O> + |NaCl> + |CO2>) |__self>

-- now chain them:
chained-reaction |*> #=>
    step |one> => make-carbon-dioxide (|C> + |O2>)
    step |two> => make-sodium-bicarbonate (step |one> + |NaOH>)
    step |three> => make-sodium-chloride (step |two> + |HCl>)

-- now invoke our sample chemical reaction:

-- learn classes:
is-lower-case split |abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz> => |yes>
is-upper-case split |ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ> => |yes>
is-digit split |0123456789> => |yes>

-- split molecules into single atoms, using a simple parser:
split-molecule |*> #=>
    unlearn[the] (|atom label> + |atom digits> + |atoms>)
    for( the |char> in ssplit |__self>):
        if( is-upper-case the |char>):
            the |atom> => smerge the |atom label>
            the |atom count> => value-if( do-you-know the |atom digits>, smerge the |atom digits>, |1>)
            the |atoms> +=> pop-float (push-float the |atom> ** the |atom count>)
            the |atom label> => the |char>
            the |atom digits> => |>
        if( is-lower-case the |char>):
            the |atom label> .=> the |char>
        if( is-digit the |char>):
            the |atom digits> .=> the |char>
    the |atom> => smerge the |atom label>
    the |atom count> => value-if( do-you-know the |atom digits>, smerge the |atom digits>, |1>)
    the |atoms> +=> pop-float (push-float the |atom> ** the |atom count>)
    the |atoms>

-- test our split-molecule operator with some sample molecules:
table[molecule, split-molecule] split[" "] |H Na H2 H2O C6H12O6 NaHCO3 NaCl CO2>

Here is the output from the code:

|H2O> + |NaCl> + |CO2>

| molecule | split-molecule   |
| H        | H                |
| Na       | Na               |
| H2       | 2 H              |
| H2O      | 2 H + O          |
| C6H12O6  | 6 C + 12 H + 6 O |
| NaHCO3   | Na + H + C + 3 O |
| NaCl     | Na + Cl          |
| CO2      | C + 2 O          |

Raw file here.