infix operators, type 2: !=

 != :
        seq1 != seq2
        test whether seq1 is not equal to seq2
        note that the order of kets in superpositions is not significant
        so you can shuffle a superposition and it will still be equal
        on the other hand, you can't sshuffle the sequences, that will break the equality

        -- learn a couple of sequences:
        seq |one> => ssplit |abcde>
        seq |two> => sshuffle seq |one>

        -- see what we now know:
        sa: dump
            |context> => |Global context>

            seq |one> => |a> . |b> . |c> . |d> . |e>
            seq |two> => |a> . |c> . |d> . |e> . |b>

        -- now test they are not equal:
        sa: seq |one> != seq |one>

        sa: seq |one> != seq |two>

    see also:
         == , >= , > , <= , < 
