context function 1: similar-grid

        similar-grid(|op: image1>) list-of |images>
        Compare the grid defined with respect to the image1 operator,
        with all the grids defined with respect to the operators in list-of |images>
        The intended use case is to map images to grids of sequences, and then compare them.

        -- the simplest possible example:
        -- a grid with only 1 element in it:
        image1 |0> => |a> . |b> . |c>
        image2 |0> => |a> . |> . |c>
        image3 |0> => |> . |b> . |>

        -- now compare them:
        similar-grid(|op: image1>) (|op: image1> + |op: image2> + |op: image3>)
            |image1> + 0.666667|image2> + 0.333333|image3>

        -- now compare image2 to the others:
        similar-grid(|op: image2>) (|op: image1> + |op: image2> + |op: image3>)
            |image2> + 0.666667|image1>

        -- now compare image3 to the others:
        similar-grid(|op: image3>) (|op: image1> + |op: image2> + |op: image3>)
            |image3> + 0.333333|image1>

    see also:
        grid-simm, similar-input, display-grid
