compound context sp fn: display-grid
display-grid[width, height]
display-grid[width, height, operator]
display-grid[width, height, operator, empty-char]
display-grid[width, height, operator, empty-char, cell-prefix]
display a rectangular map of the given width and height
where each cell is the value of "operator" applied to that cell (default operator is "value")
where empty-char is printed for cells with value 0 (default value of empty-char is ".")
where cell-prefix is the prefix string for the cells (default value is "grid: ")
-- learn a small grid first:
-- learn some cell values:
value |grid: 2: 2> => |H>
value |grid: 2: 3> => |e>
value |grid: 2: 4> => |l>
value |grid: 2: 5> => |l>
value |grid: 2: 6> => |o>
-- display the resulting grid:
display-grid[9, 5, value, "*"]
width: 9
height: 5
0 * * * * * * * * *
1 * * * * * * * * *
2 * * H e l l o * *
3 * * * * * * * * *
4 * * * * * * * * *
see also:
learn-grid, grid-simm, similar-grid