operator: map

        map[fn, op] sp
        map a function operator to a literal operator
        eg: map[fn, op] (|x> + |y> + |z>)
        op |x> => fn |_self>
        op |y> => fn |_self>
        op |z> => fn |_self>

        -- define the star operator:
        star-op |*> #=> apply( supported-ops |_self>, |_self>)
        map[star-op, star] rel-kets[*]
        -- define a binary tree:
        -- define the head:
        left |x> => |0>
        right |x> => |1>
        -- define our operators:
        child |*> #=> left |_self> + right |_self>
        left-op |*> #=> |_self> _ |0>
        right-op |*> #=> |_self> _ |1>
        -- now build the tree:
        map[left-op, left] child |x>
        map[right-op, right] child |x>

        map[left-op, left] child^2 |x>
        map[right-op, right] child^2 |x>
        map[left-op, left] child^3 |x>
        map[right-op, right] child^3 |x>

        map[left-op, left] child^4 |x>
        map[right-op, right] child^4 |x>

        -- approximate implementation using multi-line stored rules:
        -- makes use of the linearity of |*> rules
        map-fn-to-op |*> #=>
            op |__self> => fn |__self>
        -- then invoke it:
        map-fn-to-op (|x> + |y> + |z>)

    see also:
        tree.sw, copy-map, smap
