$ cat actresses.list | awk '{if (NR > 241) print $0}' > removed-boiler-plate-actresses.txt $ cat actors.list | awk '{if (NR > 239) print $0}' > removed-boiler-plate-actors.txt $ head -2 removed-boiler-plate-actors.txt | tail -1 > empty.txt $ cat removed-boiler-plate-actors.txt empty.txt removed-boiler-plate-actresses.txt > full-imdb.txt Nope! There is boiler plate at the bottom too! And I forgot to delete non-ascii chars! $ cat removed-boiler-plate-actresses.txt | awk '{if ($0 == "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------") exit; print $0}' | tr -cd '[:print:]\t\n' > cleaned-actresses.txt $ cat removed-boiler-plate-actors.txt | awk '{if ($0 == "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------") exit; print $0}' | tr -cd '[:print:]\t\n' > cleaned-actors.txt $ cat cleaned-actors.txt cleaned-actresses.txt > full-imdb.txt