---------------------------------------- |context> => |context: US UK English> more-info |context: US UK English> => |sw-url: http://semantic-db.org/UK-to-US-spelling.sw> more-info |context: US UK English> +=> |url: http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/words/british-and-american-spelling> more-info |context: US UK English> +=> |url: http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/words/british-and-american-terms> to-US |word: centre> => |word: center> to-US |word: fibre> => |word: fiber> to-US |word: litre> => |word: liter> to-US |word: theatre> => |word: theater> + |word: theatre> to-US |word: colour> => |word: color> to-US |word: flavour> => |word: flavor> to-US |word: humour> => |word: humor> to-US |word: labour> => |word: labor> to-US |word: neighbour> => |word: neighbor> to-US |word: apologise> => |word: apologize> to-US |word: organise> => |word: organize> to-US |word: recognise> => |word: recognize> to-US |word: analyse> => |word: analyze> to-US |word: breathalyse> => |word: breathalyze> to-US |word: paralyse> => |word: paralyze> to-US |word: leukaemia> => |word: leukemia> to-US |word: manoeuvre> => |word: maneuver> to-US |word: oestrogen> => |word: estrogen> to-US |word: paediatric> => |word: pediatric> to-US |word: defence> => |word: defense> to-US |word: licence> => |word: license> to-US |word: offence> => |word: offense> to-US |word: pretence> => |word: pretense> -- to save typing I used: -- $ grep "^inverse-to-US" zzzzz.sw | sed 's/inverse-to-US/to-UK/g' -- where zzzz.sw is saved file after running "create inverse" -- This hints that we may want something that maps: inverse-op1 to op2 -- eg: parents |Mary> => |Liz> + |John> -- create inverse, then we have: -- inverse-parents |Liz> => |Mary> -- inverse-parents |John> => |Mary> -- -- so it would be nice to auto map inverse-parents to children. -- eg, children|*> => inverse-parents|_self> -- except I don't have general rules implemented yet (or any time soon!) -- to-UK |word: theatre> => |word: theatre> to-UK |word: center> => |word: centre> to-UK |word: fiber> => |word: fibre> to-UK |word: liter> => |word: litre> to-UK |word: theater> => |word: theatre> to-UK |word: color> => |word: colour> to-UK |word: flavor> => |word: flavour> to-UK |word: humor> => |word: humour> to-UK |word: labor> => |word: labour> to-UK |word: neighbor> => |word: neighbour> to-UK |word: apologize> => |word: apologise> to-UK |word: organize> => |word: organise> to-UK |word: recognize> => |word: recognise> to-UK |word: analyze> => |word: analyse> to-UK |word: breathalyze> => |word: breathalyse> to-UK |word: paralyze> => |word: paralyse> to-UK |word: leukemia> => |word: leukaemia> to-UK |word: maneuver> => |word: manoeuvre> to-UK |word: estrogen> => |word: oestrogen> to-UK |word: pediatric> => |word: paediatric> to-UK |word: defense> => |word: defence> to-UK |word: license> => |word: licence> to-UK |word: offense> => |word: offence> to-UK |word: pretense> => |word: pretence> -- to save typing I used: -- $ cat UK-to-US-spelling.sw | sed 's/=>.*$/=> |yes>/g' | sed 's/to-US/is-UK/g' -- using this file: -- http://semantic-db.org/UK-to-US-spelling.sw is-UK |word: centre> => |yes> is-UK |word: fibre> => |yes> is-UK |word: litre> => |yes> is-UK |word: theatre> => |yes> is-UK |word: colour> => |yes> is-UK |word: flavour> => |yes> is-UK |word: humour> => |yes> is-UK |word: labour> => |yes> is-UK |word: neighbour> => |yes> is-UK |word: apologise> => |yes> is-UK |word: organise> => |yes> is-UK |word: recognise> => |yes> is-UK |word: analyse> => |yes> is-UK |word: breathalyse> => |yes> is-UK |word: paralyse> => |yes> is-UK |word: leukaemia> => |yes> is-UK |word: manoeuvre> => |yes> is-UK |word: oestrogen> => |yes> is-UK |word: paediatric> => |yes> is-UK |word: defence> => |yes> is-UK |word: licence> => |yes> is-UK |word: offence> => |yes> is-UK |word: pretence> => |yes> -- to save typing I used: -- $ cat UK-to-US-spelling.sw | sed 's/to-US.*=>/is-US/g' | sed 's/>/> => |yes>/g' -- using this file: -- http://semantic-db.org/UK-to-US-spelling.sw is-US |word: center> => |yes> is-US |word: fiber> => |yes> is-US |word: liter> => |yes> is-US |word: theater> => |yes> is-US |word: theatre> => |yes> is-US |word: color> => |yes> is-US |word: flavor> => |yes> is-US |word: humor> => |yes> is-US |word: labor> => |yes> is-US |word: neighbor> => |yes> is-US |word: apologize> => |yes> is-US |word: organize> => |yes> is-US |word: recognize> => |yes> is-US |word: analyze> => |yes> is-US |word: breathalyze> => |yes> is-US |word: paralyze> => |yes> is-US |word: leukemia> => |yes> is-US |word: maneuver> => |yes> is-US |word: estrogen> => |yes> is-US |word: pediatric> => |yes> is-US |word: defense> => |yes> is-US |word: license> => |yes> is-US |word: offense> => |yes> is-US |word: pretense> => |yes> ----------------------------------------