Some sample sw files.
sa: files

  20-20-map.sw                                 01/08/2018   155.9 KB    (401)
  active-buffer-example-v2.sw                  01/08/2018   1.1 KB   
  active-buffer-example.sw                     01/08/2018   560 B    
  active-logic.sw                              01/08/2018   1.1 KB   
  big-numbers-to-words.sw                      01/08/2018   1.6 KB   
  bots.sw                                      01/08/2018   4.0 KB   bot profile (3)
  bottles-of-beer.sw                           01/08/2018   730 B    bottles of beer (0)
  breakfast-menu.sw                            01/08/2018   3.1 KB   breakfast menu (6)
  cause.sw                                     01/08/2018   151 B    
  cause2.sw                                    01/08/2018   200 B    
  cause3.sw                                    01/08/2018   1.2 KB   
  distance-conversion.sw                       01/08/2018   550 B    
  early-us-presidents.sw                       01/08/2018   3.4 KB   early US Presidents (14)
  eat-from-can.sw                              01/08/2018   406 B    eat from can (0)
  family-relations.sw                          01/08/2018   5.7 KB   
  family.sw                                    01/08/2018   1.0 KB   prolog example (0)
  fission-uranium.sw                           01/08/2018   768 B    uranium fission products (0)
  fred-sam-friends--inverse.sw                 01/08/2018   1.4 KB    (15)
  fred-sam-friends.sw                          01/08/2018   370 B    friends (2)
  george.sw                                    26/08/2018   1.5 KB   George (0)
  greetings.sw                                 01/08/2018   1.1 KB   greetings (4)
  improved-active-logic.sw                     01/08/2018   2.7 KB   active logic (0)
  integer-sequences.sw                         01/08/2018   247 B    
  internet-acronyms.sw                         01/08/2018   1.4 KB   common internet acronyms (0)
  learn-integer-sequences.sw                   01/08/2018   580 B    
  matrices.sw                                  01/08/2018   318 B    
  mother-father.sw                             01/08/2018   273 B    
  numbers-to-words.sw                          01/08/2018   1.2 KB   
  plural.sw                                    01/08/2018   2.4 KB   
  pretty-print-table-of-australian-cities.sw   01/08/2018   2.9 KB   pretty print table of Australian cities (8)
  print-temperature-table.sw                   23/08/2018   104 B    
  qm-experiment-2.swc                          12/08/2018   470 B    quantum mechanics experiment 2 (0)
  qm-experiment-3.swc                          13/08/2018   678 B    quantum mechanics experiment 3 (0)
  qm-experiment.swc                            01/08/2018   358 B    quantum mechanics experiment (0)
  shopping.sw                                  01/08/2018   704 B    
  simple-network.sw                            01/08/2018   348 B    
  temperature-conversion.sw                    01/08/2018   693 B    
  test-multi-line.swc                          01/08/2018   707 B    global context (0)
  test-operators.sw                            01/08/2018   268 B    
  the-matrix.sw                                01/08/2018   631 B    
  the-old-man-v2.sw                            01/08/2018   1.1 KB   
  the-old-man.sw                               01/08/2018   1.4 KB   
  the-woman-saw.sw                             01/08/2018   918 B    
  travel.sw                                    01/08/2018   477 B    prolog travel (0)
  tree.sw                                      01/08/2018   594 B    binary tree (0)
  walk-grid-v2.sw                              01/08/2018   1.5 KB   
  walk-grid.sw                                 01/08/2018   723 B    
  walking-ant.sw                               01/08/2018   8.1 KB   
  walking-ant.swc                              01/08/2018   6.7 KB   
  working-active-logic.sw                      01/08/2018   3.3 KB   in the processor (23)

Last updated: August 28, 2018