sw-examples: simple-chemistry.sw3

Raw file here.
-- represent some simple chemical reactions, using our transform() operator
-- and define an operator that splits a chemical into component atoms
-- created 2021/6/23
-- updated 2021/6/24

-- define the individual reactions:
make-carbon-dioxide (*) #=> drop transform(|C> + |O2>, |CO2>) |__self>
make-sodium-bicarbonate (*) #=> drop transform(|CO2> + |NaOH>, |NaHCO3>) |__self>
make-sodium-chloride (*) #=> drop transform(|NaHCO3> + |HCl>, |H2O> + |NaCl> + |CO2>) |__self>

-- now chain them:
chained-reaction |*> #=>
    step |one> => make-carbon-dioxide (|C> + |O2>)
    step |two> => make-sodium-bicarbonate (step |one> + |NaOH>)
    step |three> => make-sodium-chloride (step |two> + |HCl>)

-- now invoke our sample chemical reaction:

-- learn classes:
is-lower-case split |abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz> => |yes>
is-upper-case split |ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ> => |yes>
is-digit split |0123456789> => |yes>

-- split molecules into single atoms, using a simple parser:
split-molecule |*> #=>
    unlearn[the] (|atom label> + |atom digits> + |atoms>)
    for( the |char> in ssplit |__self>):
        if( is-upper-case the |char>):
            the |atom> => smerge the |atom label>
            the |atom count> => value-if( do-you-know the |atom digits>, smerge the |atom digits>, |1>)
            the |atoms> +=> pop-float (push-float the |atom> ** the |atom count>)
            the |atom label> => the |char>
            the |atom digits> => |>
        if( is-lower-case the |char>):
            the |atom label> .=> the |char>
        if( is-digit the |char>):
            the |atom digits> .=> the |char>
    the |atom> => smerge the |atom label>
    the |atom count> => value-if( do-you-know the |atom digits>, smerge the |atom digits>, |1>)
    the |atoms> +=> pop-float (push-float the |atom> ** the |atom count>)
    the |atoms>

-- test our split-molecule operator with some sample molecules:
table[molecule, split-molecule] split[" "] |H Na H2 H2O C6H12O6 NaHCO3 NaCl CO2>
