-- learn the prices for some items: the-price-for |apple> => 0.6|dollar> the-price-for |orange> => 0.8|dollar> the-price-for |milk> => 2.3|dollar> the-price-for |coffee> => 5.5|dollar> the-price-for |steak> => 9|dollar> -- learn our shopping list: the |shopping list> => |orange> + 4|apple> + |milk> + |coffee> + |steak> price-is-defined |*> #=> do-you-know the-price-for |_self> the-list-of |available items> #=> such-that[price-is-defined] the |shopping list> buy (*,*) #=> consume-reaction( |_self2>, the-price-for |_self1>, |_self1>) -- what is the price for the available items? the-price-for the-list-of |available items> -- now go shopping: buy(the-list-of |available items>, 30 |dollar>)