full |range> => range(|1>, |65535>) encode |purring> => pick[10] full |range> encode |miaowing> => pick[10] full |range> encode |scratching at the door> => pick[10] full |range> encode |panting> => pick[10] full |range> encode |sniffing> => pick[10] full |range> encode |tweeting> => pick[10] full |range> encode |singing> => pick[10] full |range> encode |croaking> => pick[10] full |range> encode |howling> => pick[10] full |range> encode |roaring> => pick[10] full |range> sound |node: 1: 1> => encode |purring> sound |node: 1: 2> => encode |miaowing> sound |node: 1: 3> => encode |scratching at the door> animal |node: 1: *> => |cat> sound |node: 2: 1> => encode |panting> sound |node: 2: 2> => encode |sniffing> sound |node: 2: 3> => encode |scratching at the door> animal |node: 2: *> => |dog> sound |node: 3: 1> => encode |tweeting> sound |node: 3: 2> => encode |singing> animal |node: 3: *> => |bird> sound |node: 4: 1> => encode |croaking> animal |node: 4: *> => |frog> sound |node: 5: 1> => encode |howling> animal |node: 5: *> => |wolf> sound |node: 6: 1> => encode |roaring> animal |node: 6: *> => |lion> predict-animal-from |*> #=> top[1] animal similar-input[sound] encode words-to-list |_self>